Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Medieval Style Fighting Arena

Through a mutual friend and a Master that I've known for at LEAST the past 5-6 years, I had the opportunity to build an arena for the Alika Sao Weaponry sim. The owner, Danna Ewing, wanted to put one up in order to increase traffic AND offer a place for her customers to spar, use their new weapons, and host events in the near future. This was an AMAZING opportunity for me so I wanted to honor the design layout she already had on the sim and be true to my own building style.

With this in mind, I immediately started thinking of arenas that could inspire me and the first thing that popped into my head was the movie "A Knight's Tale". At first, the ending tournament arena came in mind but then I realized not only was it "too upscale" but it would be majorly prim heavy (not to mention the fact that I am a prim whore to begin with!). So then I suddenly thought of the arena in the opening scene in which we were introduced to the GREAT 80's music that permeated the movie but also the characters. So with that scene in mind (and a quick looksie on my copy of it on DVD), I got to work!

Be sure to stop by the Alika Sao Weaponry sim to check it out and then tp to my main store to get your copy!

Monday, October 20, 2008

Building for the Holidays

I guess I'm just kind of in one of those moods. Not really on a particular theme or idea ... just building whatever comes to my mind. I wanted to do a collection of harvest items for the holidays and the Fall season so I've been working on some items. So far I've released a collection of pumpkins that are completely copiable and modifiable so you can adjust and decorate to your heart's content. I put some of them together with an old favorite ... one of our rustic carts AND created a brand-new wheelbarrow. Of course, I'm offering the new build as two selections ... with the pumpkins and without. I'm totally excited about an AMAZING dried cornstalk texture that was given to me by the amazing Lauren Fox (check out her textures in SL ... they are totally worth it!) and paired them with some great farm textures of hers that I found on SL Exchange so I'll be releasing some new harvest items in the next few days.

On top of that, I've added a couple of more pieces to my Ruined Outlaw Camp line ... a scribery and two wall sections. I'm in the middle of revamping a supply shed and another wall section so hopefully that will be released soon as well.

Be sure to stop by the main store and pick up my sale item of the week and don't forget our monthly trivia contest for members only! If you didn't get it, you can always join the group and check out past notices. So far I've gotten a couple of answers but ... none are correct so far!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

New Release

I finally got around to adjusting some of the items that we built for Trace's outlaw camp since he no longer is really on SL or roleplaying with that group. Unfortunately that means that the camp is no longer on the sim where we built it BUT that is good news for the store! Hence the release of my brand-new line "Ruined Outlaw Camp".

So far, I've revamped and released a forge, physician's office, tavern, lookout tower, and overhang. I'm planning on redoing a scribery, a supply barn, and a few versions of wall sections that can be pieced together. Of course, there are all kinds of extra items already for sale in the store that can be used to decorate and furnish the camp. All it takes is a little imagination!

New Look & All Decked out ...

I got in one of those moods ...

You know the kind. Spring cleaning.

I suppose it came on because I wanted room to put in a larger build and I just didn't have the spot for it. Or maybe it's because I really, REALLY want to buy my own large sim and transfer the whole thing into the store. Or maybe it was just because I needed a change.

But whatever the reason, the store has a bit of a new look.

Not TOO different ... just expanded ... shifted around a bit.

To be honest, I'm not sure if I'm done. But for ... I'm good.

Then I got in the Halloween mode. So there's some fun stuff and some old favorites. Be sure to stop by the main store and get a peek. And feel free to buy a thing or two ... *grins*