I'll be the first one to admit that I'm a Pirates of the Carribbean fan! Who can resist Johnny Depp OR Orlando Bloom? But put them together in a series of movies and we are in drool heaven!
I'm not really sure what prompted me to try and recreate the blacksmith scene where they sword fought ... I'm guessing it was because I wanted to start a blacksmith/forgery line in the store and I suddenly thought of that particular scene in the first PofC movie. So I found myself watching it over and over and over ... pausing it, taking note of certain things and discovering that I wanted to give it a shot.
With that in mind, I spoke to an old friend of mine that wanted to lend a helping hand (and possibly make some lindens along the way!) and we go together to create what I hope is THE blacksmith line in Second Life! We tried to think of everything we could as far accessories and trust me, we could have added a LOT more but decided we finally had enough to release the line. Knowing me, I'm sure I'll add some other pieces along the way but I am VERY satisfied with what we have ready to go.
I even went to AKK Ranch to find a donkey to add to the power wheel and found one (he's SO cute)! He is NOT part of the line that you can purchase at the store but I am highly encouraging you to go to AKK Ranch and get one to add to the shop for that extra special touch. Be sure to drop by the store, check out the pictures of it all together and then mix and match to create your own Pirate-style blacksmith shop!
Have fun roleplaying! :)