Wow! I'm really excited to say that the store is doing pretty well and it's all because of our customers! We wanted to come up with a way to say thank you so we will be having a "Cynful Giveaway" all weekend! So be sure to stop by the store through Saturday and Sunday (Aug. 30th & 31st) to hunt for your free items.
We've hidden ten small boxes with our picture (points to the left) on it all through the store. Some are pretty obvious ... others are not but there are TEN in all! Just a small way of saying thank you for supporting us and buying our items!
We'll probably begin having a gorean trivia contest each month as another way of saying thank you for our group members. You'll have to be a member of our group in order to participate though.
Don't forget ... the giveaway will end late Sunday night so hurry in before it's over!
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Gorean Kitchen Supplies & Foods Sets

Whew! I really struggled with what to put in these two sets. There are SO many possibilites ... I had a hard time stopping! And then deciding what should go into a foods set and what to go into a kitchen supplies set ... maybe I should have just gone with one big set to save myself the headache! *chuckles*
Anyway ... hopefully you will get some use out of these latest additions to the tavern line that I have been working on. I've included baskets of spices, baskets of raw Gorean vegetables, bowls of salt and sugars, hot baked items, pots of steaming sullage and boiling water, a clay jar of wooden spoons, sacks of sa-tarna flour and to be honest, I can't remember what all is in these sets! But I think they are all useful items that you can use together or seperately to enhance the roleplay that goes on in a gorean tavern, kitchen or even a supply wagon!
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Worn Stone Hearth

When making this particular stone cooking hearth, I thought back to my days in text-based roleplay in yahoo and then later in MSN & GCN. Back then, whenever I went to the hearth to serve, I always imagined logs being available to feed the fire and stone baking sections to put pans of sa-tarna bread or ramberry muffins that I loved to bake. I also remember always roleplaying out a kettle of steaming water available for hot tea or washing dishes. And then, of course, there was always the proverbial kettle of steaming sullage ready to feed any hungry Gorean Master that walked in the door.
So, with those images in mind, I created my newest tavern addition ... the Worn Stone Cooking Hearth. It is not modifiable so you can't move around the additions that are put in but I AM working on a kitchen set of food that I'll be releasing later that will include the items you see here.
Enjoy your roleplay!
Elegant Low Table Set

I decided to deviate a bit from my rustic/worn look although I think this set would still do really well in a rustic roleplay setting. But I also wanted a tavern table that would go well in a Gorean home or an elegant tavern in a city and not just out in an Outlaw camp or some other spot that only a rustic look would do. This set, of course, includes a set of four (4) multi-pose cushions. All you have to do it "touch" the cushion once you are sitting on it to choose which sit position you want! This set is NOT for sale in my vendors ... sets (I found out the hard way) are easier to sell in our main store. Be sure to check it out for the preview and to be able to purchase this elegant low table set!
Saturday, August 9, 2008
Rustic Infirmary Items

Trace and I have been putting together an Outlaw Camp in the Tainted Rose sim, home now of the original Wraith Outlaws. As we started this camp we both decided we wanted it to be what we would consider a place that outlaws would take over. According to the books, Outlaws didn't have a caste ... didn't have a homestone. They were survivors and outcasts. Therefore we both agree they 1) wouldn't have a lot of money, and 2) wouldn't be living in a fortress or castle (both of which we have seen over-riding SL Gor lately!).
Our version brought about the creation of a run-down abandoned village that the outlaws had bascially put back together. In doing so, they wouldn't have a full-scale infirmary with a physician but they WOULD have the basics needed for healing. With this in mind, we created our own line of rustic infirmary roleplay items. We hope you enjoy them and keep your eyes open for more items to come soon!
Monday, August 4, 2008
Gorean Artwork Vendor!

My best friend and sister (from YEARS back in Gor way before we even knew about Second Life) had put together a list of things she thought would make a great Gorean tavern of which I have slowly been picking away at: kitchen sets, ice sheds, food storage, tavern-type tables, etc. One of the things she had on the list was Gorean-style artwork. Now, I am really trying to stick to my vision of Gor and (hopefully) more book based. So I've been pretty picky about the kind of artwork I would frame to put in my version of a gorean tavern or even an Old-World style home. What I came up with was my new release of framed Gorean artwork put in its own vendor.
I have used favored artists for their Gorean-styled flair (Vanion & B.K. Hook) but have also found some pieces that (at this time) am unsure about the artists. Of course, if this information comes available, I'll give credit where credit it due.
My hope is this new line adds to the decor and one's overall roleplay experience. Enjoy!
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