When making this particular stone cooking hearth, I thought back to my days in text-based roleplay in yahoo and then later in MSN & GCN. Back then, whenever I went to the hearth to serve, I always imagined logs being available to feed the fire and stone baking sections to put pans of sa-tarna bread or ramberry muffins that I loved to bake. I also remember always roleplaying out a kettle of steaming water available for hot tea or washing dishes. And then, of course, there was always the proverbial kettle of steaming sullage ready to feed any hungry Gorean Master that walked in the door.
So, with those images in mind, I created my newest tavern addition ... the Worn Stone Cooking Hearth. It is not modifiable so you can't move around the additions that are put in but I AM working on a kitchen set of food that I'll be releasing later that will include the items you see here.
Enjoy your roleplay!
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