Friday, December 5, 2008

New "Modern" Release

Thanks to my good friend Daved Calderwood and his love for the rustic past, we have a brand-new line that's taken a "little bit" of a turn for the more modern. Based on a movie night where he FINALLY say the old favorite "Casablanca" and was suddenly inspired by its time period, we are proud to release our all-new Vintage Train Station and accessories!

To be honest, at first I was like "how's THAT gonna fit into our style at the store" but then I realized that there is so much more to rustic than just broken down and he was right! I love this new line! There are so many roleplay possibilities with it (not Gorean of course but we cater to every line of rustic roleplay!).

Be sure to come by the main store to get your copy. Daved's an amazing builder that is getting a real eye for detail. Welcome ... errr, all aboard!!! :)

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Christmas Countdown at Cynful Designs

I wanted to come up with a way to say "thank you" for all our loyal group members so thanks to a great script I FINALLY found, we'll be giving away a Xmas pressie each day until Christmas. All you have to do is wear your group tag, come to the main store, and "buy" the present (sorry, you know me ... it's just a rustic crate! :) ) to get your gift each day.

I'll be changing out the gift each morning (around 3 am SL time) until Christmas Day. So if you forget or miss a day, sowwie!

Be sure to tell a friend ... all that have to do is join the group (group search for Cynful Designs) and come join the fun at the main store!

From all of us at Cynful Designs to all of you ... Happy Holidays!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Rustic Bath House Collection

I am really proud of the newest release that was created with the help of my good friend Daved Calderwood. It's a mixture of many things but mostly my two loves ... Gor and the Old West! Straight from my rendition of both is a rustic bath house complete with a porch and hitching posts. There are many accessories to accompany this new collection ... three different style tubs, an indoor water kettle, a steaming bucket of hot water, an old chair leaning back with a barrel to prop your feet on, a storage closet, and many many more!

Be sure to stop by the main store, take a stroll into the upper section of the tavern and check it all out. This build is guaranteed to "clean up" your roleplay! ;)

Monday, November 17, 2008

Ripped and loving it!

I logged on the other night to find an offline message from the 'Ripped' owner and creator (an awesome line of tunics, camisks, animations, and more!) that she needed my help. I messaged her and found out that she had moved to a brand new sim and wanted me to put a vendor up for FREE because she liked my stuff and it would fit with her sim. Once I got there, I found out that she wanted to set a few of my things out to decorate the sim as she felt like my creations complimented the decor of her sim. Once I started setting things out I felt might fit in with the design, she fell in love and we basically decorated the whole outside setting of her store with my items! (WOOT!) All the items are set to sell (of course) and I put a vendor out as well.

So stop by, visit the all-new 'Ripped' sim and buy a few items while you are there! :p

Happy Shopping!

Sunday, November 9, 2008

All-New Cynful Blacksmith Forgery Line!

I'll be the first one to admit that I'm a Pirates of the Carribbean fan! Who can resist Johnny Depp OR Orlando Bloom? But put them together in a series of movies and we are in drool heaven!

I'm not really sure what prompted me to try and recreate the blacksmith scene where they sword fought ... I'm guessing it was because I wanted to start a blacksmith/forgery line in the store and I suddenly thought of that particular scene in the first PofC movie. So I found myself watching it over and over and over ... pausing it, taking note of certain things and discovering that I wanted to give it a shot.

With that in mind, I spoke to an old friend of mine that wanted to lend a helping hand (and possibly make some lindens along the way!) and we go together to create what I hope is THE blacksmith line in Second Life! We tried to think of everything we could as far accessories and trust me, we could have added a LOT more but decided we finally had enough to release the line. Knowing me, I'm sure I'll add some other pieces along the way but I am VERY satisfied with what we have ready to go.

I even went to AKK Ranch to find a donkey to add to the power wheel and found one (he's SO cute)! He is NOT part of the line that you can purchase at the store but I am highly encouraging you to go to AKK Ranch and get one to add to the shop for that extra special touch. Be sure to drop by the store, check out the pictures of it all together and then mix and match to create your own Pirate-style blacksmith shop!

Have fun roleplaying! :)

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Medieval Style Fighting Arena

Through a mutual friend and a Master that I've known for at LEAST the past 5-6 years, I had the opportunity to build an arena for the Alika Sao Weaponry sim. The owner, Danna Ewing, wanted to put one up in order to increase traffic AND offer a place for her customers to spar, use their new weapons, and host events in the near future. This was an AMAZING opportunity for me so I wanted to honor the design layout she already had on the sim and be true to my own building style.

With this in mind, I immediately started thinking of arenas that could inspire me and the first thing that popped into my head was the movie "A Knight's Tale". At first, the ending tournament arena came in mind but then I realized not only was it "too upscale" but it would be majorly prim heavy (not to mention the fact that I am a prim whore to begin with!). So then I suddenly thought of the arena in the opening scene in which we were introduced to the GREAT 80's music that permeated the movie but also the characters. So with that scene in mind (and a quick looksie on my copy of it on DVD), I got to work!

Be sure to stop by the Alika Sao Weaponry sim to check it out and then tp to my main store to get your copy!

Monday, October 20, 2008

Building for the Holidays

I guess I'm just kind of in one of those moods. Not really on a particular theme or idea ... just building whatever comes to my mind. I wanted to do a collection of harvest items for the holidays and the Fall season so I've been working on some items. So far I've released a collection of pumpkins that are completely copiable and modifiable so you can adjust and decorate to your heart's content. I put some of them together with an old favorite ... one of our rustic carts AND created a brand-new wheelbarrow. Of course, I'm offering the new build as two selections ... with the pumpkins and without. I'm totally excited about an AMAZING dried cornstalk texture that was given to me by the amazing Lauren Fox (check out her textures in SL ... they are totally worth it!) and paired them with some great farm textures of hers that I found on SL Exchange so I'll be releasing some new harvest items in the next few days.

On top of that, I've added a couple of more pieces to my Ruined Outlaw Camp line ... a scribery and two wall sections. I'm in the middle of revamping a supply shed and another wall section so hopefully that will be released soon as well.

Be sure to stop by the main store and pick up my sale item of the week and don't forget our monthly trivia contest for members only! If you didn't get it, you can always join the group and check out past notices. So far I've gotten a couple of answers but ... none are correct so far!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

New Release

I finally got around to adjusting some of the items that we built for Trace's outlaw camp since he no longer is really on SL or roleplaying with that group. Unfortunately that means that the camp is no longer on the sim where we built it BUT that is good news for the store! Hence the release of my brand-new line "Ruined Outlaw Camp".

So far, I've revamped and released a forge, physician's office, tavern, lookout tower, and overhang. I'm planning on redoing a scribery, a supply barn, and a few versions of wall sections that can be pieced together. Of course, there are all kinds of extra items already for sale in the store that can be used to decorate and furnish the camp. All it takes is a little imagination!

New Look & All Decked out ...

I got in one of those moods ...

You know the kind. Spring cleaning.

I suppose it came on because I wanted room to put in a larger build and I just didn't have the spot for it. Or maybe it's because I really, REALLY want to buy my own large sim and transfer the whole thing into the store. Or maybe it was just because I needed a change.

But whatever the reason, the store has a bit of a new look.

Not TOO different ... just expanded ... shifted around a bit.

To be honest, I'm not sure if I'm done. But for ... I'm good.

Then I got in the Halloween mode. So there's some fun stuff and some old favorites. Be sure to stop by the main store and get a peek. And feel free to buy a thing or two ... *grins*

Monday, September 29, 2008

Weekly Sale Item!

I was trying to think of a way of both getting more people into the store and thanking them for their support and continued belief in the products we offer at Cynful Designs. While talking to a good friend of mine (one that I've known for years even since the old MSN chat days), he mentioned that "sale items always do well" and it occured to me that we ought to have a 'Sale Item of the Week' that is half-off regular price on some of the items off our current line.

I've put the sale display right inside the door of the main store. You definately can't miss it ... just look for the sign, click, purchase your sale item of the week and then check back each week for a new great deal!

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Trivia Contest

Yesterday was the first day of our first-ever Cynful Trivia Contest. It is my hope that every month we have a contest with trivia questions based on the writings of John Norman. I think it's important to stick to the books as much as possible and this is just my way of encouraging people to research, to read, to discover all they can about this fascinating world we roleplay in.

The catch is ... you HAVE to be part of the group in order to participate in the trivia contest. I am ONLY sending the questions out through the group. There is a mailbox at the main store for you to drop your notecards in with the correct answer. I will be drawing two (2) winning entries on Sunday evening and announcing them through the group.

The winner will receive a copy of our low panther hut!

Good luck and keep roleplaying!

Close Seconds ...

Wow! Sometimes I am just flabbergasted by things that happen in SL. But then I think life is full of ups and downs, why would SL be the same?

Yesterday it came to my attention that one of my pieces was very similiar to a piece in another store. In fact, it was so close that the creator of this second store, at first glance, thought it was a copybot creation. I obtained a picture comparing the two. I have to admit, they were CLOSE! Apparantly a sculptie texture I had used (which had been given to me in a folder of freebie sculptie textures) was one her Master had created himself and had never sold or given permission for anyone else to either. Of course, I pulled the item out of my store. I refuse to be a part of an onslaught of people "copying" other people's work espeically when I work as hard as I can on my own creations.

With that said, I also realize there are going to be some similarities when it comes to certain things because that is just the nature of building and selling. So I won't pull everything from my store that someone says "Oh, so-and-so has something like that". But I am always willing to look at things, compare and see what would be best for my store and my credibility.

I take pride in building all of my things from scratch, my imagination, photos I have taken real-time and of course, my vision of Gor. That's the whole purpose of my store ... to enhance your roleplay, not copy someone else's work.

For now I've pulled two sets of pillows from my store as they used this tassel sculptie texture but I WILL be redoing them and re-releasing them in the next couple of weeks.

Keep roleplaying and keep being true to you!


Sunday, September 14, 2008

All-New Tarsk Line "Fit For a Pig"!

My former Master (and still very good friend) came to me because he and his girl had bought a sim to open for gorean roleplay. He wanted to keep it very run down, very rustic, and VERY much my style of build. Knowing this, he asked me if I would be interested in helping him create the atmosphere of a run-down, Outlaw-run swamp.

So, of course I jumped on the opportunity and came up with the following new line:

"Tarsk's Swamp: Fit For a Pig!"

Be sure to stop by the main store to get a look at all the pieces I have made for this new line, including: Tarsk's Swamp Shantee, Tarsk's Swamp Lean-To, and many more!

On a Roll ...

I've been on a building kick lately ... finally getting around to some of the things I saw this summer while on vacation! After downloading some pics that I took into SL I was able to finally put some of my inspirations into creative builds. To be honest, at this point, I can't even remember everything I've built so far since my last blog entry. But I DO know that I've been on a trading dock kick!

So some of our new items are geared more towards trading docks and/or exchange points, including an all-inclusive rustic trading docks set!

Be sure to stop by the main store to see all of the latest creations ...

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Cynful Giveaway

Wow! I'm really excited to say that the store is doing pretty well and it's all because of our customers! We wanted to come up with a way to say thank you so we will be having a "Cynful Giveaway" all weekend! So be sure to stop by the store through Saturday and Sunday (Aug. 30th & 31st) to hunt for your free items.

We've hidden ten small boxes with our picture (points to the left) on it all through the store. Some are pretty obvious ... others are not but there are TEN in all! Just a small way of saying thank you for supporting us and buying our items!

We'll probably begin having a gorean trivia contest each month as another way of saying thank you for our group members. You'll have to be a member of our group in order to participate though.

Don't forget ... the giveaway will end late Sunday night so hurry in before it's over!

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Gorean Kitchen Supplies & Foods Sets

Whew! I really struggled with what to put in these two sets. There are SO many possibilites ... I had a hard time stopping! And then deciding what should go into a foods set and what to go into a kitchen supplies set ... maybe I should have just gone with one big set to save myself the headache! *chuckles*
Anyway ... hopefully you will get some use out of these latest additions to the tavern line that I have been working on. I've included baskets of spices, baskets of raw Gorean vegetables, bowls of salt and sugars, hot baked items, pots of steaming sullage and boiling water, a clay jar of wooden spoons, sacks of sa-tarna flour and to be honest, I can't remember what all is in these sets! But I think they are all useful items that you can use together or seperately to enhance the roleplay that goes on in a gorean tavern, kitchen or even a supply wagon!

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Worn Stone Hearth

When making this particular stone cooking hearth, I thought back to my days in text-based roleplay in yahoo and then later in MSN & GCN. Back then, whenever I went to the hearth to serve, I always imagined logs being available to feed the fire and stone baking sections to put pans of sa-tarna bread or ramberry muffins that I loved to bake. I also remember always roleplaying out a kettle of steaming water available for hot tea or washing dishes. And then, of course, there was always the proverbial kettle of steaming sullage ready to feed any hungry Gorean Master that walked in the door.

So, with those images in mind, I created my newest tavern addition ... the Worn Stone Cooking Hearth. It is not modifiable so you can't move around the additions that are put in but I AM working on a kitchen set of food that I'll be releasing later that will include the items you see here.

Enjoy your roleplay!

Elegant Low Table Set

I decided to deviate a bit from my rustic/worn look although I think this set would still do really well in a rustic roleplay setting. But I also wanted a tavern table that would go well in a Gorean home or an elegant tavern in a city and not just out in an Outlaw camp or some other spot that only a rustic look would do. This set, of course, includes a set of four (4) multi-pose cushions. All you have to do it "touch" the cushion once you are sitting on it to choose which sit position you want! This set is NOT for sale in my vendors ... sets (I found out the hard way) are easier to sell in our main store. Be sure to check it out for the preview and to be able to purchase this elegant low table set!

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Rustic Infirmary Items

Trace and I have been putting together an Outlaw Camp in the Tainted Rose sim, home now of the original Wraith Outlaws. As we started this camp we both decided we wanted it to be what we would consider a place that outlaws would take over. According to the books, Outlaws didn't have a caste ... didn't have a homestone. They were survivors and outcasts. Therefore we both agree they 1) wouldn't have a lot of money, and 2) wouldn't be living in a fortress or castle (both of which we have seen over-riding SL Gor lately!).

Our version brought about the creation of a run-down abandoned village that the outlaws had bascially put back together. In doing so, they wouldn't have a full-scale infirmary with a physician but they WOULD have the basics needed for healing. With this in mind, we created our own line of rustic infirmary roleplay items. We hope you enjoy them and keep your eyes open for more items to come soon!

Monday, August 4, 2008

Gorean Artwork Vendor!

My best friend and sister (from YEARS back in Gor way before we even knew about Second Life) had put together a list of things she thought would make a great Gorean tavern of which I have slowly been picking away at: kitchen sets, ice sheds, food storage, tavern-type tables, etc. One of the things she had on the list was Gorean-style artwork. Now, I am really trying to stick to my vision of Gor and (hopefully) more book based. So I've been pretty picky about the kind of artwork I would frame to put in my version of a gorean tavern or even an Old-World style home. What I came up with was my new release of framed Gorean artwork put in its own vendor.

I have used favored artists for their Gorean-styled flair (Vanion & B.K. Hook) but have also found some pieces that (at this time) am unsure about the artists. Of course, if this information comes available, I'll give credit where credit it due.

My hope is this new line adds to the decor and one's overall roleplay experience. Enjoy!

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Sacks of Gorean Vegetables

Trace is a fanatic right now when it comes to sculpties and has been on a mission to find as many as he can! He ran across these great sacks and threw them out and then did what he does best ... convinced me that I was better at making food look realistic and went off to roleplay while I tried to make these sacks into something we could be proud of. The only problem with this is ... Trace is an expert at making amazing things AND being quick about it. It takes me FOREVER to make something be just the way I want it to be. (You think this has anything to do with me being a female???)

So I tried to find/create some textures that I felt were realistic but I just wasn't satisfied with the one prim texture and opted for the multi-prim foods instead. Yes, they make the build a bit more prim-heavy but I am MUCH happier with the result. Trace and I both agree that we'd rather have more prims with a better quality item than a low-prim piece that left a bad taste in our mouth.

With that said, we present our newest addition to our kitchen/tavern line ... gorean sacks of vegetables including suls (potatoes), yellow onions, and red onions. Enjoy!

Rustic Tavern Table & Dance Pit Set

I am always roaming about, looking on Gorean sims and other medieval-type roleplay areas to get ideas for builds that I want to create. Trace and I have agreed that there are already some amazing things out there but that, sometimes, in haste to get things out there, quality is pushed aside. I happened along one Gorean sim a while back (I think the sim has been rebuilt by now) and saw a tavern that I wasn't too impressed with but I LOVED the way the dance pit had been sunk into the ground with a lil table area wrapped around it. It reminded me of the one in Treve way back when I had first danced for my Master. Inspired, I tucked the idea back into my inventory and finally got around to making my own version of it.

It is, of course, like my other dance pits, completely modifiable. All the great dances I have found are (of course) no copy, no transfer so the ones included in this set you DEFINATELY want to replace. With the script included, it is totally easy to add your own dances and make this pit the highlight of your tavern or even private residence. Be sure to read the included notecard on how to do this so you don't mess up along the way!

This new release is offered as a set (pictured) or you can buy the pit and pillows seperate to mix and match to your heart's content!

Broken Windmill Tower

We were building a camp for Trace's new outlaw group in the Sardar Passage and he had mentioned how it would be cool to have a windmill as a lookout tower for the camp. Gotta love my business partner ... he had this great idea, started on it and then got side-tracked (for those of you that know him, you KNOW what I mean!). Well in the process, the sandbox we were working on self-cleaned and we basically lost what he had started. So I took the idea to our building pad, embellished it with my passion for broken-down things and *wallah* ... we present the newest addition to our rustic line. My thought on this was to make it more than just a broken-down windmill. I wanted a place where one could not only look out from the tower but maybe even snipe incoming attackers, etc. from the expanded platform. We added a "climb" script so all you have to do is right click on the ladder, "climb" and you are ready to rock-n-roll!